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Thursday, December 20, 2001
my computer is finally here!....all put together and up and running...now all i need is a monitor.
well tonite i am headed to a cabin up in big bear and i will be snowboarding all day tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 18, 2001
saturday was a day to remember in memory of raphael's pet history.....his snake was sadly given away back to the pet store. Unable to handle the snake, it inherited some aggressive characteristics and a hostile appearance. raphael...due to lack of time, could not handle and care for her, he left it in its cage for a prolonged amount of time. the result during this time: 2 bites on raphael's hands and fearful of handling the snake, 1 bite on james wang hand, one frightened hoodlum after the snake had escaped out of her cage.
In raphael's last words, "It was hard parting with her, but I guess it was for the better. I had no time to handle it and give it the love and care that she needed. She would be better off in a home where she can get the attention that she needs."

Sunday, December 09, 2001
For the longest time now, I have been infatuated with someone, and my heart just beats rapidly and I get so excited whenever I see her. We started seeing each other during spring break of last year and we only met about a total of 4 times later in a span of 2 weeks, and we havent seen each other since then because of certain circumstances that came up. She was just amazing, so beautiful and honest, so pure and bold, and just a magnificent beauty all around and possess such gracefulness. Our relationship was really rough at the start, I didnt know what to expect and I didnt really know her that well. I got really hurt in the beginning because she didnt treat me well at first. I felt like giving up at certain times because it just felt like I was taking a real hard beating, like almost being abused. But I still wanted to continue with our relationship, and once I got to know her a little better, the puzzles pieces were coming together. I got the hang of things and was learning more about her pretty quickly. We met once again on friday! We havent seen each other for so long, and it felt like we never separated, although there were some rough issues, but what relationship doesnt have them? We worked it out and things after that were just running smoother. Her name is "Snowboarding." My infatuation grew larger after this day, her beauty and magnificence just had me going back up the ski-lifts for more! Could my infatuation have become "love?" I dont know for sure, but I remember Jennifer Lopez saying that her love doesnt cost a thing. My deep infatuation cost me about 230 dollars for a season pass. Aside from that note, I'd have to meet her again about 7 more times this season to get my money's worth, which is not a horrible thing, since I do enjoy her everytime I see her. So, to my deep infatuation, I will be seeing you soon, dont wait up for me!

Thursday, December 06, 2001
GOING SNOWBOARDING!!!....bear mountain

I AM FINISHED!!!....no more finals this quarter!.....i just dont know what it was about this quarters finals.....it was one of the most stressful quarters i had here at UCI......i have taken harder classes at a time, but i didnt have this much stress as i did now......well, i am done and now i just have to wait for my grades to come out.......i am at work right now and deciding to see which movie i want to watch after my co-worker leaves.....he's wathcing mall rats...should i watch that movie?...i'll check what other movies he has on his computer......now i hear that we have a pool table on the 4th floor, going to check that out pretty soon.....hehe.

just finished 143 final......one more to go....its frustrating.

Wednesday, December 05, 2001
going to study some more right now.....hmmmm...you know, the worst part of finals isnt actually the studying...its the anticipation for the test to come...especially when the test in late in the week....all you want to do is just get the test over with and be finished for the quarter........the several hours before the test seems so endless, but yet feels like it goes away so fast that you dont have time to cram all the info in your head.

after studying a little at work i started getting tired, so i decided to go home to sleep around 2-3pm to get some rest so i can study all nite, but i was having alot of trouble....not sure why, cuz its usually easier for me to fall asleep in the afternoon rather than at night, could it be the stress??....tossing and turning in the bed, covered my head with a pillow to cover the light coming from window, kept taking the covers off and on cuz it either got too hot or too cold, layed down on my stomach, on my side, other side, and on my back...doing all this to try to find a comfortable position to sleep in......"unsuccessful"..... i kinda felt sick in the stomach and i went to the bathroom and yacked.......tried to yack all i could so i can try to make my stomach feel better....i also yacked on late sunday nite as well......not sure what it is, cuz i dont feel any type of illness coming on...it doesnt feel like a cold or flu in any way.........well...its about 130am right now and want to go to sleep now after a night full of studying since about 6pm........planning to wake up around 9 to study some more.

Tuesday, December 04, 2001
well its going to be another day full of studying....going to be a very fun-filled day....i just have to keep thinking to myself "just 2 more finals and thats it!"....i have a review session last nite and it wasnt the greatest review session at all....she just went throug everything so briefly and i was just extremely tired....hmmmmmmmmmm.....although i didnt get as much sleep last nite as i wanted to....i went to bed around 2:30am, fell asleep around 3am, and i woke up around 9am and couldnt go back to sleep after that...a little less than 6 hours of sleep cuz i woke up a few times to go to the bathroom....i thought i could have slept some more but i guess i am so used to waking up early that i cant sleep in.......so thats all i guess.....no interesting happenings last nite or this morning.

Monday, December 03, 2001
well i jsut finished my first final!......ICS 156 computer networking project course....i studied alot this weekend...a fun filled weekend of studying!....after the last week that seemed to never end.....well i think i did ok....thats what i thought last time during the midterm for this class, but i got rocked on that test.....hmmm...but oh well...i am just glad i got over one final now......now comes my 2 hardest finals i am more worried about.....ICS 143 Operating Systems and ICS 171 Artificial Intelligence............i am going to go do some more studying today and then tonite i have a review session.....and then going to study some more after that......fun fun fun!!.....just like my weekend!......but anyhow....big news!...i got a season vertical pass to bear mountain!....woohoo!.....planning to go often this season.....its good that i rained this past day.......now i know why my roommate likes rain...because rain = snow in the mountains and snow in the mountains = snowboarding!.......