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Friday, November 30, 2001
well....i just finished the last day of the quarter for school......next week i have finals........well...our presentation did not go as well as we thought it would...our grader drilled us on what our program does and does not do....pointed out our mistakes and asked us tough questions on the spot.........and i barely finished my HW in time right after the presentation........this was a tough week.....i dont feel as tired as i thought i would for staying up last nite.....maybe its just my adrenalin still kickin in from the pressure of the presentation and homework.......oh well...going to try to rest tonite so that i can study some more for finals this weekend.....oh did i mention...i didnt shower last nite......BUT i am goign to shower right at this moment!...so dont worry...i will be cleaned.

i am finally home....hw is not done though =(

ok...now its about 3:15am in the morning and i am at my friends, john fung's house and doing hw3 for ICS 143.......its late and i actually dont feel tired....i think it may be because of the adrenalin kickin in my body....i know that later on on friday i will be feeling it reallyy really bad........i still have the presentation to do and Bob is now working on that program because i was unsuccessful at completing the program......i feel like really stressed at the moment because of finals and because i know i will not do that well in them no matter how much i study........but really hope that wouldnt be the case this time......like i said before, i havent felt this high of a stress level in a long time......i am worrying about passing my classes alot....

Thursday, November 29, 2001
as i was taking my ICS 171 quiz this afternoon.....i knew nothing on it!.....practically nothing......i think it would have just been better if i had not taken it at all......well, i would have just gotten the same result.........i havent had stress this high of a level in a long time......last time i think it was last year sometime in winter quarter....but i knew i was going to pass most of my classes at the time....but now this quarter, it seems like i am going to pass all my classes this quarter as planned.........as i was taking the quiz, i could just feel that i am going to be retaking this class over again......i really really hope that i would not be in that situation......but i honestly can say that i absolutley do not know what is going on in the class....i dont know if a couple days of studying would help either cuz i have other classes to study for..........hmmmmmm.....

well i had an interesting rush of a moment last night.....so my group last nite, me, bob, and walid.....we were working downstairs in the 1st floor computer labs...well we were there till about 11:59pm.....well that particluar lab we were in closes at 8pm, but since walid worked there, he hooked us up and just let our groups stay in the lab.........but then....at around midnight the alarm starts beeping and then it goes off.....we hear this loud speaker saying "BURGLARY BURGLARY!!!....YOU ARE TRESSPASSING!!!.....etc..etc.."...it felt like we were robbing a bank and getting caught.....but we werent, we were just doing HW......walid tries to turn off the alarm but was unsuccessful.....we quickly just grabbed our stuff and went to the 3rd floor labs......i dont even know what happened next.......i think walid eventually got someone to turn off the alarm a half hour later.....

Wednesday, November 28, 2001
its almost 12am and i am still at school programming.......sigh =(......its been a while since i done late nighters here at school.....and i dont intend doing it on a regular basis.......but i guess this week has been an exception......man.....its cold outside, but luckily now...i have my hooded sweatshirt.........on monday, i just had a tshirt on monday and wore a long sleeve tshirt on tuesday.....now i have a sweater!....walking warmer home each night now.......hehehe.......thanks buddy for reminding to bring my sweater!....hehe........well tomorrow i will be continuing my programming at work and hopefully find time to study for my quiz later that day at 2pm..........and then after that...finish up programming and then do the hw that and prepare for my presentation that are due on friday.....so much man......programming is a pain.

i have been to the computer labs at school every single night this week including all day saturday and sunday night......so that makes it about 5 nights straight....and also planning to stay here again tomorrow night......=\ sigh......i have a quiz tomorrow and a project/presentation on friday and a HW due on friday as well.....so much.....i had other hw's this past week that took up alot of time as well.....so much to do and so little time....i cant start studying for finals until the weekend cuz theres just so much stuff for me that is due before finals week......

Monday, November 26, 2001
hmm...its been almost 2 weeks since i havent written in my blog yet.......i guess i just got lazy and havent written anything.....several things happened in the past few weeks that i should have blogged down, such as the infamous oakley sale, our flag football intramural game loss, thanksgiving, and etc......well......not sure what to write down right now, but other than just about school....i have one week left for classes and next week will be finals.....i have everythign due this week, like my projects, labs, quizzes and HW.....i dont understand why the teachers made everything in class due in the last week.....theres not going to be much time to study for the finals......so i am probably not going to do that well in those either......i did alot of work this weekend for the computer lab thats due this week.....even on thanksgiving day......

well i am not sure what else to write about now....i guess this amount is good enough for me to try to start blogging regularly again.....

Tuesday, November 13, 2001
well, at work yesterday, after my coworker left, i asked him to leave me the movie shrek so that i can watch it...........so in a few minutes after he left, i start watching it on his computer (cuz his computer has the dvd player) right next to mine, and i am still using my computer for chatting, internet surfing, emailing, etc........soooo, picture this when i am not doing work at my work, i am using the one computer to watch a dvd and the other one for surfing the net, etc.......i look to the montor on my left, theres shrek playing, i look at the monitor on my right, theres espn.com and AIM.................i like my job.............oh, a few minutes later, my supervisor (boss) comes in and sees me wathcing shrek and surfing the net, AIM and all.............and she comes in, and looks at the movie, and says to me, "Hi Raphael............OH!, Shrek!......I really like that movie, too bad we dont have a DVD burner, otherwise i would burn one for my kids so they can go watch it.".......then she gets what she needs from the room and leaves back to her office..................did i tell you that i like my job? =)

Sunday, November 11, 2001
well today after church, i went to the computer show with jeff at the pomona fairplex......and i was first looking around for motherboards and cpu's.......but just looking around, with all these dealers and people around, i felt like i was lost, confused, and not knowing what i wanted.........not that i was indecisive at this point, but i just felt i should just get my computer parts elsewhere, maybe online where its less hectic................soooooooooo, i came to the computer show, and didnt get any computer parts, but guess what i left the computer show with.....a cell phone!....hehehehehe.....yes, i am now conformed to having a cell phone......for years i refused to get one, but now i have one in my possession......hmmmmm.........well, just had to get one sooner or later right?....hehe....good thing jeff was there to do the wheelin and dealin and getting our car charger, leather case, and more certificates for free!...hehee....thanks man...

well i forgot to write about my most exciting experience this week at irvine....i came to work on friday and my co-worker tells me about this billabong wherehouse sale in irvine and asks me if i wanted to go....so i went with him during lunch and as i go to the wherehouse....the guy gives me a big huge plastic bag and tells us "30 items or less, go ahead."......so as i walked in, i saw piles and piles of clothes on tables, shirts, sweaters, shorts, hats, bags, etc.....and i first looked for a price list, and when i found it, nothing was over $10.......$2 hats, $3 shortsleeved shirts, $4 long sleeved shirts, $5 shorts, $7 pants, $8 sweaters and fleece..........after 3 minutes of being in the wherehouse, i was going crazy......looking at clothes, and if they were decent and i liked it, i'd throw it in my big huge plastic bag......but i was on a quest for a hooded sweatshirt....i was looking at some and they were mostly all blank ones, which i wasnt looking for.....and then after 20 minutes...my co-worker decides he was done and wanted to leave!.....my reaction = "i havent even finished my quest"..........and as we were about to check out....what do i see on the table?!!?....i blue hooded sweatshirt with a neat design and a picture of a snowboarder on the back.....my co-worker was about to snag it from me, but fortunately i put it in my big huge plastic bag before he could!.....thats what you get for being done all early!....hehehe.....so after we purchase our items and then we head back to work......i decided i wanted to go back!......when i went to work...i told my other co-worker (nate) upstairs about it and we go......15 minutes later...i find myself back at the wherehouse with another big huge plastic bag in my hand........this time my quest was looking for anything decent and any gifts for christmas!...hahaha......after about a half hour....nate shows me what he got and he found gold!!....he got an FBI TSHIRT!!!..........now my quest was "look for FBI TSHIRT".....but i was unlucky......well i got other great items!!....hehehe.....my stats for shopping at this sale.....
5 shirts (tshirts, button shirts, collared shirt)
5 hats
4 shorts
3 sweaters (hooded and fleece)
2 pants
all for about 100 bucks.......ok a 100 bucks is alot but i got almost 20 items....average about 5 bucks each.....heres some more reasoning.......5 hats at regular price, an easy 100 bucks......4 shorts regular priced, 120 bucks easy.......3 sweaters, an easy 150 bucks.......5 various shirts, an easy 150 bucks......2 pants, 100 bucks...........get my drift???.......if i bought all these items at regualr price....it would have cost me about 600 bucks...........so for a sale being over 80 percent off, i'd take that any day!....heheh......

so this was the best sale i ever been to by far!.....even better than any HIC sale i been to.......sorrie to whoever had missed this sale, you all missed out!.....sorrie if i tried to spite you all and rubbin' it in about missing this sale........it was kinda fun seeing your reaction.....haha........please dont complain about me not telling you about this sale, i only found out that day!.....believe me i did!.....i would have told you guys if i knew before......;=.......please comment on this blog.....

Saturday, November 10, 2001
well i woke up this morning looking forward to my dentist appointment this morning at 11am, i havent went to the dentist for about a year and a half...last time was right before i went to singapore...i thoughi had a cavity on the second to the last tooth on my upper right side...cuz i can feel along the gums that i thought my tooth was decaying......but unfortunately...it was not a cavity but it was just that my gums receded and exposed more of the lower part of my tooth.......so when i sat down on the chair, i was scared of the bib that he usually puts on me....i was scared cuz of the metal chain that holds the bib around you and so when heputs it on, it would be all cold around your neck!.....but this time!...he had a plastic springing thing that holds the bib.....so it wasnt cold!!...haha.......ok...so as i was going to get my filling on my tooth, my dentist gives me a shot...i though i was going to go numb on half of my face.....but, it was just numb on that part where he gave me the shot.....whew!....biotechnology is getting better!....heheh.....anyways...so i got the cleaning on my teeth and my fillings.

Thursday, November 08, 2001
again, i am reminded of how people can be really deceiving to others and how they can manipulate others into what they want you to do, in order for them to have something gain in their lives.......can a person like this be really caring for other people?....or do they just actually pretend to care, but in reality just care about themselves, and thenmselves only?.......its frustrating, because you think you were actually being cared for, but in the real case, being used and manipulated in to what the others wanted to have gained.........

as i think about this and look at my life, am i like this?.....probably in some sense...one situation that i recall, i collected sports cards when i was young, and in junior high i wanted to become better friends with jamil horani, a card collector as well....all those times i hung out with him and going over to his house, did i actually want to be better friends with him?, or did i just want to rip him off when we traded sprots cards?.....probably more of the second reason rather than the first........

although this is just a simple case example of how we were like when we were kids, but how are we actually when we grow up and be more of an adult?....some become more manipulative in their own selfish schemes, they want more than just wanting to have possessions....................they use people, they use friendships...............selfishly gaining for their own advantage......why does our human nature allow us to do this??

Wednesday, November 07, 2001
i went to aacf tonite and the speaker was great tonite....he was giving us motivation to seek God's will and not our will...we always seek God to solve our own specific struggles, such as what college you go to, what major you have, what career you are going to have, who we are going to marry, etc.....we should not focus our spritual lives with these types of 'specifics' but rather with the 'basics' that God has commanded us to do....for example, sharing his word with others, worshipping Him, being in prayer, etc.....Romans 12:1-2 says, "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual[1] act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.".........Focusing more on the basics help us put our specifics aside.....if we focus more on God, our thirst will be quenched......as just i have written down last week, we must keep attacking our sins aggressively and God will give us rest.....John 4:13-14, "Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

Monday, November 05, 2001
ok....now did i have an 'interesting happening' today!.....well, as you know, its monday, and its another day of flag football intramurals.......so we were playing the team with the black guy....hmmmmmm, so as we were romping, forcing penalties, out-hustling, out running, out-playing them all over them during the first half, we were up 20-0.......we only ended up winning 20-0 and playing only one half!.......ok, so here is how it the whole thing ended up......near the end of the first half, the other team had the ball, as they hiked the ball, the quarterback piched back to the running back on the side (threw it very straight, very questionable lateral), the running back threw it down the field and the black guy caught it, and as soon as he grabbed, our defender pat, tried to grab his flag, but as he was tired to, he accidently 'soft tackled' him down.....then the black guy was getting all crazy and had a few words to say to pat.....and his team was about to get all crazy on him too, but the refs immediately stepped in and broke everything up....i dont know why they would try to start anythig with our team, cuz we had twice as many ppl they had and bigger too......so the refs stepped aside and took their time discussing what penalties to call on the play....as they came back to tell us, they called the penalty on the other team first for throwing 2 forward passes, so pat's illegal contact would not even count......then one person on the team got all extremely crazy and started cussing at the ref and he threw his flags away, and his team was doing the same, throwing their flags away and started walking away from the game....so as they were about to leave, that same guy went up to the ref cussed him out right on front of his face and then tipped his hat out of his head!........talk about being a sore loser!!!.......daaaang.......that team got all crazy.....so the game was called off and we won........but that was quite an experience, ive never seen anything like that happen in my intramural career.......well we just began to play with ourselves and practicing for playoffs next week......so the stats for the day for me......
0 sacks...BUT!.....
1 tackle (flag grab) for a loss of 10 yards!
0 incidental contacts
countless number of hurries =)
1 kick return for 20 yards
small numbers, but remember, we only play one half........next week!....first round for playoffs!.....gotta play big!

so after the game i went to go workout at the arc, and guess who i saw.....the team that bailed out on us for flag football, some were working out and some were playing ball........hmmmmmm.......interesting huh?

Sunday, November 04, 2001
ok.....so i had a haircut today, but i didnt cut it myself this time.....i went to the barber shop!...actually i went to the old barber shop i went to long time ago...and then i didnt know you had to sign your name on the board!....they didnt have that before!....so the ppl that came in after me were actually ahead of me in line......so i walked next door to the asian salon, and i ask how much a haircut was, and luckily it was the same price as the barber shop......and then, as i was letting someone else cut my hair.....i realized again why i didnt like other cutting my hair!......THE TICKLING TORTURE!!!!....uuuuggghhh!!!.......what an grueling experience i had!!.......ok...so when she was using the small clippers to cut off the excess hair around my ear and the back of my neck, i can only feel the tickling and the tingling sensation!....it felt like a bunch of sharp, yet tickly feathers going around my head.......yet i could not move, because if i moved, she might mess up!......i remember the trick i used to do to try not to feel the tickling sensation, i PINCH myself on my leg, in hopes of focusing on the hurt of pinching rather than the clippers tickling my neck.......for reals, i rather have someone hit me multiple times and feel the hurt, rather than someone giving me a tickling torture!!.....aaaaahhhhh!!!!....although i ended up leaving a bruise on my leg on friday from pinching myself so hard......so i had double dose of pain, one from the pinching and one from the tickling!......you guys should tell me next time, to not be lazy and just cut your own hair, because you cannot tickle yourself....ahh!

Friday, November 02, 2001
well i had a quiz today and i just bombed it!.....hmmmm =(.......well....it was a half hour quiz, and when there was 10 minutes left...i started to fall asleep...i couldnt help it, i was just too tired!......then i went to work afterwards, and i had to ship out a couple of laptops that are going to a training class somewhere in east coast.....so that did take too long, and then after that, i was online and thinking up of a new layout for my website....i just couldnt really think of one, cuz i am not sure where i want to place things, like the menu and blogger and all.....hmmmmmmmm......(thinking thinking)..........and i was talking online to my buddy, and all of a sudden the lights go off!....woah.....so it was 6pm!.....man, it was kinda scary just staying in the bowling alley room in the dark with just the computer on.......since we just changed time, it gets darker really quick now!....hmmmmmmm.......but i was OK!!....i made it out alive!